Monday, March 2, 2009

Pink Sunsets at Our House

Wow! I can't believe a whole month has gone by so fast. No matter that February is the shortest one, it really was a blur. But here I am with another small bit of life in Texas. I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits.

These first photos were taken Sunday evening around 6:30pm. The clouds were the most beautiful pink that I can remember seeing in a long time. Just over the roof of the house among the leafless branches (the elms haven't leafed out yet, but are starting to up the street) were colors that ranged from pink to salmon to almost orange.

Of course I ran in to get the camera and try to capture a little of the light show. I snapped off several images, and sent them to PicasaWeb for a quick edit.

The next images are from yesterday. I saw a little different "color scheme" leaning more to the yellows, golds and oranges. Still a little pink in there. I went down the street to get a little more of the sunset, and I think I got it pretty close to the best time.

I am not sure what is causing these colors in our sunsets. We are having lots of grassfires around Austin lately due to our exceptional drought that has been going on for several months now. I didn't know there was a category beyond extreme drought, but now I do.

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