How To Get Phalaenopsis Orchids To Bloom Again
Very rarely does a houseplant feature in this blog … but on a weekly basis
for over 18 years I've been asked "how to get Phalaenopsis orchids to bloom
Waiting, waiting, waiting for migration
Like any other birder worth his binoculars, I must plead guilty to
impatiently waiting for spring migration. It doesn’t matter that in the
fall we will do...
Birding on Broadmeade Walk
Six people joined me on Sunday morning (February 2) at the Parmer Village
end of Lake Creek Trail for the monthly group walk. When we started at 8:00
AM it...
The Difference a Year Makes
Last January I took an Amtrak train ride with my grandson from Austin to
Taylor. I could walk and get where I wanted, but walking and standing were
April 2018 Garden Scrapbook
April 2018 Garden Scrapbook
April Fool! Here’s what is left of that viola bowl.
The is the first time two blooms were open at the same time on these pa...
Industrious Rat on Wildlife Camera
Something a little different today - an infrared video compilation of a rat
the insists on covering my deck each night with sticks and leaves. I got a
HAPPY END! Photo by Evaluna Leal Salas
I finish this blog. It is a Happy End, just as in fairy tales. Thank you
for being part!
I stepped On The Road on...
It's Nerdy, and I Like It!
I love it, when a plan comes together. I like it even more, when the
technology works, and it's free, too! Long story short, I solved a major
headache t...